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The nuxt-saasmvp-oauth module separates client and server initialization for improved security. Server secrets and configuration parameters are stored in the ./server/smvp.oauth.json file located in your application's ./server directory. Client configuration parameters are supplied in a json object to the smvpInitAuth client function.

Client Functions

If you only intend to use the nuxt-saasmvp-oauth module for User Authentication, you will still need to provide the ./server/smvp.oauth.json file to configure the nuxt-saasmvp-oauth Authorization Server.


smvpInitAuth is a client function that is used to initialize the nuxt-saasmvp-oauth module for use by the Nuxt 3 client application. The smvpInitAuth client function configures all of the nuxt-saasmvp-oauth module's client functions through the use of a json object.


smvpInitAuth(options: Options):Promise<boolean>


Parameter: options
Type: Options
Description: Available options used to configure the the `nuxt-saasmvp-oauth` module for use by the Nuxt 3 client application.
interface Options {
  logFlag?: boolean;      // optional
  redirectRoute?: string; // optional

Parameter: logFlag
Type: Boolean, optional
Description: Displays `nuxt-saasmvp-oauth` transaction and error messages in the server console. Default FALSE.

Parameter: redirectRoute
Type: String, optional
Description: The route that will be navigated to if a User attempts to navigate to a protected page without an active login. Default is home ('/').


NOTE: The smvpInitAuth client function should be called in an onMounted lifecycle event when your website initially loads. The server function smvpServerInit is run when the nuxt-saasmvp-oauth module loads.

<script setup>

onMounted(async () => {
  const options = {
    logFlag: true,
    redirectRoute: '/testlogin',

Server Functions

The most important step in configuring the nuxt-saasmvp-oauth module's Authorization Server is to make sure you provide a smvp.oauth.json file in your application's ./server directory. The smvp.oauth.json file is read by the smvpServerInit.ts Authorization Server function when the nuxt-saasmvp-oauth module starts. The smvp.oauth.json file configures the nuxt-saasmvp-oauth module for both User and REST API Authentication.



  "oauth": {
    "jwtKey": "FF92528C6D4C441CF853CF99E55E4129",
    "jwtKeyExpires": "7200",
    "boundryTime": 125,
    "logFlag": true
  "protected": ["/api/v1/apitest", "/api/v1/apitest/*", "/api/v1/dummy", "/api/v1/dynamic/*", "/api/v1/nested/*", "/api/v1/query/*"]


Parameter: options
Type: Options
Description: Available options used to configure the the `nuxt-saasmvp-oauth` module's Authorization Server for use by the Nuxt 3 application.
interface Options {
    oauth: {
      jwtKey: string          // required
      jwtKeyExpires?: string  // optional
      boundryTime?: number    // optional
      logFlag?: boolean       // optional
    protected: string []      // required

Parameter: jwtKey
Type: JWTKey, required
Description: The JWTKey is a String of exactly 256 bits (32 bytes) and represents the symmetric key stored in the OAuth Authentication Server used to generate and verify the JWT Access Token.

Parameter: jwtKeyExpires
Type: String, optional
Description: The number of seconds before an issued JWT Access Token expires. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour).

Parameter: boundryTime
Type: Number, optional
Description: The number of milliseconds after which a request for a JWT Access Token can not be honored by the Authorization Server. This is used to prevent replay attacks. Default is 100 milliseconds.

Parameter: logFlag
Type:Boolean, optional
Description: Displays `nuxt-saasmvp-oauth` transaction and error messages in the server console. Default FALSE.

Parameter: protected
Type: object | string[], required
Description: The `protected` string array contains the developer defined REST API routes that need to be authenticated before allowing REST API Endpoint access. You can leave the array empty (i.e. [ ]) if you are not using REST API authentication or do not want to protect any REST API Endpoints. The following is an example of `protected` string array:
"protected": ["/api/v1/apitest", "/api/v1/apitest/*", "/api/v1/dummy", "/api/v1/dynamic/*", "/api/v1/nested/*", "/api/v1/query/*"]

Defining Protected REST API Routes

More information on protecting API Rest Endpoints can be found in the REST API Authentication topic Defining Protected REST API Routes

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